[10] 英文法語法 大学入試 30日直前対策【立命館大学 2020】



本日:12/24 水曜 23:00~

宿題:今回は立命館大学 2020から10題です。予習してね!


1  A long time ago, (      ) lived a rich Japanese farmer.

(1)  he

(2)  it

(3)  there

(4)  which


2  You can be proud of (      ) late for your job.

(1)  never have being

(2)  never have been

(3)  never having been

(4)  never to be


3  (      ) your parents are retiring, they can enjoy traveling more.

(1)  As soon as

(2)  Now that

(3)  When

(4)  Once


4  She ordered the model train, a picture of (      ) she had seen in the catalog.

(1)  that

(2)  what

(3)  which

(4)  whose


5  She (      ) to have been one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.

(1)  believes

(2)  has believed

(3)  is being believed

(4)  is believed


6  Our boss would like the task (      ) by the end of the day.

(1)  be finished

(2)  finish

(3)  to be finished

(4)  to finish


7  I like this architecture (      ) the better for its imperfections.

(1)  all

(2)  far

(3)  so

(4)  such


8  I am looking for a spoon (      ) eat this fruit pudding.

(1)  by that I can

(2)  which I can

(3)  which is able to

(4)  with which to



9  She took her smartphone to school (      ) told not to by her parents.

(1)  although it was

(2)  although she had

(3)  despite having been

(4)  despite that


10  The new bridge (      ) by the end of next year.

(1)  has been completed

(2)  is to be completed

(3)  will complete

(4)  will have completed



A long time ago, (      ) lived a rich Japanese farmer.

(1)  he    (2)  it    (3)  there    (4)  which



Thereisa rich ~ farmer.
Thereliveda rich ~ farmer.
Thereremainsa problem.
Therehappensan accident.
Therecomesa car.
Thereseemsa problem.
Thereexisteda village.


答え:3 there


You can be proud of (      ) late for your job.

(1)  never have being

(2)  never have been

(3)  never having been

(4)  never to be


I am proud that I am a nurse.


I am proud of being a nurse.


I am proud that I was a nurse.


I am pround of having been a nurse.


I am proud that SV


I am proud of Ving

I am proud of having Vpp



S seem to V

S seem to have Vpp




(      ) your parents are retiring, they can enjoy traveling more.

(1)  As soon as

(2)  Now that

(3)  When

(4)  Once




as soon as SVSVするとすぐに
now that SV今やSVしているので理由≒ because / Since / As
in that SV
When SVSVするとき
Once SVいったんSVすると時・条件≒if

In that your parents are surppotive, you are lucky.




She ordered the model train, a picture of (      ) she had seen @ in the catalog.

(1)  that    (2)  what    (3)  which    (4)  whose+名詞


I saw him. / I have seen him before.


I like it → I like what → what I like(名詞のカタマリ)


I was surprised at it I was surprised at what

→ what I was surprised at @




She ordered the model train. + she had seen the picture of it.

She ordered the model train. + she had seen the picture of which.

She ordered the model train the picture of which she had seen.


in the catalog.


She ordered the model train the picture of which she had seen in the catalog.

G 彼女はカタログで見た写真を鉄道模型に注文しました。

D カタログで見たことのある写真の鉄道模型を注文したそうです。





She (      ) to have been one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.

(1)  believes

(2)  has believed

(3)  is being believed

(4)  is believed


  1. X) It is believed that SV


  1. Y) S is believed to V
  2. Z) S is believed to have Vpp


It is believed that she was one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.


She is believed to have been one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.




that SVSitに代入

thatto Vに変換する

動詞2つに時制のズレが無し→ to V

動詞2つに時制のズレがある→ to have Vpp


  1. X) It is believed that SV


  1. Y) S is believed to V
  2. Z) S is believed to have Vpp




Our boss would like the task (      ) by the end of the day.

(1)  be finished

(2)  finish+名詞

(3)  to be finished

(4)  to finish+名詞




名詞would likeOto V
ものto be Vpp




we finish the task.

The task is finished (by us).


would like O to V

I would like you to go to buy the bread.


want  O to V

allow O to V

cause O to V

force  O to V

compel O to V

ask O to V

advise O to V

beg O to V

enable O to V




I like this architecture (      ) the better for its imperfections.

(1)  all    (2)  far    (3)  so    (4)  such


(all) the 比較級 for+理由
all the 比較級 because SVall the 比較級 because of Xall the 比較級 on account of Xall the 比較級 in that SV




all=強調≒ very


I have to study hard.

I have to study harder.

I have to study the harder.

I have to study all the harder.

I have to study all the harder +理由

I have to study all the harder for the test.


none the 比較級


I like Tom none the less for his faults.


none the lessにもかかわらず




little - less - least





I am looking for a spoon (      ) eat this fruit pudding.

(1)  by that I can

(2)  which I can

(3)  which is able to

(4)  with which to


I eat melon with a spoon.


前置詞+which to V暗記!!


write with a pen.

write on paper.

I need something with which to write.

I need something on which to write.


This is the house. + I live in it.

This is the house. + I live in which.

This is the house in which I live.




She took her smartphone to school (      ) told not to by her parents.

(1)  although it was

(2)  although she had

(3)  despite having been

(4)  despite thatdespite the fact that SV≒ (al)though SVなら可能


tell O to V → tell O not to V



Her parents told her not take スマホ. 能動態

She was told not to take ~~~~ by her parents.

She had been told not to take ~~~~ by her parents.




She took her smartphone to school <despite having been told not to by her parents>.


take A to B
bring A to B

lead A to B


~にもかかわらず ≒前置詞

despite X
in spite of X
for all X
with all X
in the teeth of X
in the face of X
notwithstanding XX notwithstanding




The new bridge (      ) by the end of next year.

(1)  has been completedwill

(2)  is to be completed

(3)  will complete+名詞
(4)  will have completed+名詞


be to構文受動態
be to Vbe Vpp


自動詞 VS 他動詞




be to V不定詞
予定be going to
意図want to VIf S is to V


Nobody was to be seen on the street.

We are to go to school.

The company president is to come to our department.

She was never to see her mother.

If you are to suceeed in the college entrance exam, you must work hard.


