![[14] 英語長文&英文法語法 30日直前対策【センター 2018追試 問6】](https://jpeigo.jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/14.jpg)
本日:12/28 23:00~
宿題:今回はセンター 2018追試 問6の段落(1)~(3)です。予習してね!
(1) Many people visit places associated with creative works that they know, such as novels, paintings, or poems. Such visitors use what they have learned or imagined in order to help them understand the sites more deeply. They can also apply what they previously learned from their visits to their interpretations of those creative works. This process of interpretation, and the results that follow, can give people pleasure through the creative use of their imagination, their improved understandings of the works, and their satisfaction in becoming absorbed in the works or the atmosphere of the places. This makes their visits more valuable.
(2) For people who enjoy historical novels, it can be rewarding to visit one of the sites that they have read about. This is true even if the place appears to be only an open space. The knowledge they have of the area enables them to bring the scene back to life. They can picture how the people lived there, or imagine how historical events took place at that location. When visitors use their minds to transform such desolate scenes into rich and full visions, they are engaging in a pleasurable and creative process. At the same time, they gain better understandings of what they have read.
問1 Which of the following is closest to the meaning of desolate as used in paragraph (2)? 46
① dirty ② empty ③ harmful ④ severe
(3) Many people visit places because of the descriptions of their natural beauty in books or poetry. Some places in Japan are popular because of the famous poets who stood there, gazed upon the scenes from the spots on which we can still stand today, and recorded their feelings in poetry. The Lake District in England is famous for a similar reason: Poets praised its natural beauty. Reading the poems, people can imagine those scenes. Visiting such locations helps them understand the feelings of the poets more closely, which deepens their understandings of the poems.
問2 According to paragraph (3), how were the English and Japanese poets alike? 47
① They criticized the nature that surrounded them.
② They intended to preserve the value of nature.
③ They showed appreciation for nature in their works.
④ They wanted to make natural areas more famous.
動画内の"bring the scene back to life"は動画内では直訳して意味内容を推測して解説しましたが、bring A (back) to lifeは「そのシーンを生き返らせる/蘇らせる」という意味です。」という熟語です。