早稲田の英文を使って語彙力を強化しましょう~! 読みにくそうな部分① However, there has been a recent rise in anti-vaccination sentiments, based on beliefs that vaccines cause more harm than ben...
今日は2021/10/2 The New York Timesから。 和訳を考えてみましょう。 また、知らない語彙は必ず覚えておきましょう。 引用元 Breaking News: Over 700,000 Americans have died of Covid-19. This pandemic is the dea...
今日の英文解釈です。7/9の宿題です。 ①英文 To a degree that happened. Robots did replace many bolt-turners, but the losses went only so far. (東京大 2014) 「機械が人間の仕事を奪うということが予想されていたが」...
今日の英文解釈です。7/8の宿題です。下に動画解説あります。 ①英文 This pattern, while destructing previously existing social networks, allows for the information of new circles of individuals...
今日の英文解釈です。動画解説付きです! ①英文 The fact that species of such incredible abundance can decline as quickly as the white-rumped vulture did points to a counter-intuitive ...