大問4 1. 同じつづりの英語1語を書きなさい a) The entrance fee of the museum is ( ) during the summer holidays. What do you do in your ( ) time? b) The sun ( ) at six thirt...
今回は、センター試験 1987 本試からの出題です。 動画URL 動画URL https://youtu.be/Vg0H7RRsQ_4 宿題 問1 It would be good for you to send your baggage 8 to avoid any inconvenience. ① far adva...
動画URL 動画URL https://youtu.be/9aUaqbnRwm4 宿題 次の各文の( )に入る最も適切な語句を一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) She seems to ( ) lost her way. (ア) have had (イ) have been (ウ) having been (エ) ...
動画URL 動画URL https://youtu.be/Vg0H7RRsQ_4 宿題 問1 As I was looking through the newspaper, I came 8 a story about my hometown. ① across ② forward ③ along ④ up 問2 ...
今回は松山大学の文法問題です! 動画URL 動画URL 1/12 1:15頃~ https://youtu.be/jwzET1atNnQ 宿題 2020 松山大学 経済 経営 人文 法 薬 1) It that there is a significant difference between the two meth...
動画URL 1/11 0:30~ URL https://youtu.be/re4zXL3hMAk 宿題 大阪医科2020 The door open however hard I tried. a.wouldn't b.won't c.wasn't able to d.had better not 駒澤大学 202...